Making a girl special is not a difficult task to do, some guys really think spending money and more money for a girl will make her to cherish and love them more and refuse to focus on the little little things girls cherish and love most. Even at your brokest point, if you dont have any money with you, you can still make that your girl that is so precious to you feel special and loved every single day.
In making a girl special, its requires timing, you must be right on time, for instance a girl that goes to work and come back home tired, she might not even be available to read your text talkless of feeling loved after seeing it. You must have an idea of what she's doing presently before sending a sweet text or making her feel special at that moment. Sometimes making a girl feel loved might just be right on time.
Do you know that your relationship that is waxing cold, that your girl that reacting cold and distant to you, it might be as a result of not feeling loved and cherished and seriously you can make her come back to you with little little things you do and you will so glad you did.
I know what exactly you might be thinking, that you are a busy type, you dont really have enough time to make someone feel so special, let me tell you this great news, making your girl special and loved did not really requires much time in most cases. Sending random text which won't consume much of your time, not even up to a minute, you are done texting her, or calling her and remind her how you love and cherish her can make her want you everyday of her life.
So let go straight to business, here are 10 things to do to make your girl feels loved and special. Just follow this simple steps below.
1. Compliment Her Often
2. Small and Meaningful Gift matters
3. Help her out with some of her Duties
4. Show her off in Public
5. Hang out with her
6. Call and text her often
7. Trust her and be honest with her
8. Pay Attention to her and to what she says
9. Supports and Encourage her
10. Dont try to change her, instead obey her.
After reading the list above, do you want to know more about this point listed, then continue reading below
1. Compliment Her Often
Hear me well, read this again and again, girls generally love it when you compliment her, either complement her look, her dress or her hair. To make your girl or your woman feel special and loved, compliment her often repeatedly. For instance after your girl dressed up for an event or for an outing, look at her from her to toe and tell her ''she looks elegant and beautiful'. Like ' where did you get this dress? You look stunning in it' after saying all this, watch her reaction, you will notice she will smile and feel loved at that moment. Try this simple trick often and see how your girl will be craving for you always because she knows you will always compliment her, comment on her dress and other stuff, she will want to show you her after dressing up. Just try it and see the fantastic result after.
2. Small and meaning gift matters
Even though you dont have much, do you know girls can crave for you more if you gift her small and meaningful gift? Well with my experience with ladies, small meaning gift can make your girl feel loved. For example gifts like flowers, roses, a beautiful cheap purse, a beautiful sandal, hair band, hand bracelet, and so on, can make your girl so appreciative and feel special. She knows you don't have much yet gift her this meaning gift, she will appreciate you more. Infact she might even need this small gift at that moment and your small gift comes in at the right time. Whenever she make use of this small meaning gift even when you are not there, she will always remember you with a smile and feel loved and special.
3. Help her out with some of her duties
Yes, helping her carrying out some of her duties will make her feel special. May be she comes back from work and she's tired and you as a man, you still have energy to carry out some task, you can help her out with some of her duties or chores, a girl will appreciate you more for that little things you did. When you are not with her she will miss your presence because she knows if you are with her, she will feel your presence by helping her out.
4. Show her off in Public
Guys, this is a little secret girls love most, believe me when you show off a girl off in public, they will feel so special and loved. They really love that. Just try it and see the result afterwards.
5. Hangout with her
Make you girl feel loved by hanging out with her often, its not necessary you take her to an expensive restaurant, a nice garden, or a mini restaurant where you can just take a drink with her will go a long way in making her feel loved. She knows you dont have, but you making effort to take her out will make her feel loved.
6. Call and text her often
As we all know communication is a very crucial key in any relationship. Your calls and your random text will go a long way in a girl's heart. She will feel special and loved.
7. Trust her and be honest with her
Trusting her and being honest is very important. If you are honest with your girl she will surely know and she will even appreciate you more than ever.
8. Pay attention to her and to what she says
Paying enough attention to your girl goes a long way. Ladies love it when you remember what they told you some times ago. It makes them feel loved and gives them the impression that you have them in mind.
9. Support and encourage her
Support her with the little you have. Encourage her on everything she's doing, on her career, her studies and many more. Encourage her often, advise her and believe me she will feel loved and trust you with her future.
10. Dont try to change her, instead obey her
This is another secret about ladies, if you try to change her you might end up ruining your relationship, showing her love, care, attention and sacrificing your time for her can change her to whatever you want. Because that is when she will feel loved, and can trust you.
So, after reading the above point, you are convinced you can make your girl special and loved with just little little things that didn't even take much of your time.
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